Accordion Tab Title 1

Courting the wild and sacred

Who we are...

It's hard to
know where
our story
or how it
came to be.

Is it when a heartbroken Emma, grieving the death of her husband in India, heard a voice telling her to go home and become the old woman of the woods?

Is it when Kate's stepfather dies, and she finds her way to Emma to tend her grief?

Or when Alex miscarries, and Kate invites her to Emma's woods to be re-wilded by the myth of the Handless Maiden?

Beginnings can be slippery things to pin down.
The seeds for this particular part of the story were planted in July 2019 in the woods at
The House at the Edge.

The magic began to weave us together.
The roots of the trees and the mycelial threads
stiching us all back into place and to each other.

Alexandra Galviz

Alex is a storyteller, poet, and shaman. Four years ago, she was rewilded by woodlands and witches after experiencing a Dark night of the Soul. She began to take an interest in how we deal with loss and what it can teach us about love. She learnt that creativity can be a pathway to healing, mythology can be the alchemy for transformation, and writing can be a way back home. She is a brave and gentle warrior who is no stranger to an underworld journey and has spent the last years honing her ancestral gifts as a land healer, energy clearer and akashic record reader. She now blends her inherited magic as a shamanic practitioner and lived experience with thresholds to support people in their own journeys towards authenticity

Kate Fismer

Kate is a lover, mother, medicine woman, forager, and feeder. She has a deep reverence and love of the alchemy and magic of food and appreciation for the life that it gives. Her love affair with the wild began when was claimed by the land in Hampshire as a child, growing up on a farm where the trees were her family. She believes that ritual and practice is daily life, as it tethers and steadies the soul amongst uncertainty, grief and chaos. The magic in the every day. She was once told she had a wise woman’s chin. And her wish is to walk in this world as if her
chin is needed.

Emma Collins

Emma is a hedge witch, a storyteller, and a grief whisperer. She lives in a beautiful house at the edge of the woods with a kitchen that is always preparing for a feast. She gathers people, nettles, and stories and weaves them into beautiful tapestries of community, ceremony, and rooted living. She spends her days collecting treasure from the forest floor and medicine from the hedgerows. You can mostly find her outside tending the vegetables and herbs in the garden, walking the woods, conjuring blessings from the joys and heartaches of life and making offerings to the moon, the ancestors and forgotten stories of this land. She knows her magic is real and her spells are conjured from remembered fragments of place based folk magic and the medicine of her ancestors.